Contact Us

If you have a personal health question, each week, usually Friday, I reply via video for members to your questions. You can see previous Q&A videos under the categories.

The best place to place your questions is under each video. If you don't get a personal reply from me, look for your answer in the Q&A videos each week.

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Thank you all for contacting me. I pray you are having a healthy joyful day and a great raw life! If you would like to set up an interview or lecture, send the details and your phone number and someone will get in touch with you. Due to the massive amount of emails I receive and my busy travel schedule getting out the message about health and the raw food diet I cannot reply to all emails at this time.

If you have a health concern and really need to speak with me, I suggest you book a private consultation. Click here for details on how to make an appointment for a private consultation.
Thank you all for contacting me. I pray you are having a healthy joyful day and a great raw life!